Observation: Pencil eyeliner is tricky and harsh and not friendly to my delicate baby eyelids. Dry-to-wet eyeshadow like that by Bourjois is not bad for eyeliner purposes, but as shadow, tends to be a little heavy. Eyeliner-making goop that transforms normal eyeshadow in to liquid liner is great, but suspiciously expensive for what looks like a little bottle of corn syrup.
Hypothesis: That this eyeliner-making goop is not really all that special, and is probably something I have lying around my house already.
Prediction: That I can duplicate the eyeshadow-to-eyeliner results of a Paula Dorf Transformer with more common (and cheaper) solvents. Baby oil? Glycerin? Vaseline? Aloe vera gel? Maybe even actual corn syrup? I don't think I want to really put corn syrup on my eyes, though. Maybe I'll just test that one on my hand.
Stay tuned for updates on the testing! I anticipate very very exciting results.
It is the Final Number. Ice Sorcerers come to Collect.
BONUS! Today's baffling selection from the Ice Source website. The Collector? The Final Number? I am no stranger to bad translations, and am not one to mock people for making them, not even people who are selling obscenely expensive face cream which I want anyway, but I don't know that this is as simple as a bad translation. I genuinely have no idea what this "collector" is or does, or what the "final number" is, and would welcome any theories you may have. It's very ominous sounding, no?
It's a monolith. Soon we will be able to use simple tools to crush each others skulls! At only 470 euros a pop, that seems cheap for progress.
I hear that some makeup artists use Visine as a solvent for turning eyeshadow into eyeliner. Wonder if that will work?
Visine! Good call.
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