Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sex and the City Movie Countdown

There reaches a point when idle "hype" becomes Truth. Youth is so impressionable after all, and thus...Eyeshadow Government is swept up by Sex and the City mania. The tide of articles, videos, television, and billboards has convinced me that the (splendid? trashy?) movie will be a great masterpiece of American cinema.

So three points:

1. Click to watch Vogue.TV's Behind the Scenes Sex and the City Cover Shoot right here.

2. Also, my SEXY SNEAK PREVIEW: I beg you to return next week to see my Carrie-inspired map of New York City.

3. Last but not least, if you're curious about that wild green hat SJP wore to the London premier, you can learn more about milliner Philip Treacy from this New York Times article ("I like things that exist for a moment, and that their moment is still attached to them").

Photo Credit: Sugar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Need to find out the shade of eyeshadow carrie (sarah jessica) wore through out the movie.. it was pink metallic, with a hint of taupe or silver. .. anyone know???